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One day i will have my own button too 😭

My 2025 Plan / Goals
  • Journaling and planning more
  • Learn to play a piano
  • Watch more anime
  • Learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails
  • Start developing and fully finish a game
  • Create a simple game engine
  • Create a simple Database
  • Learn web scrapping advanced methods
  • Finish the CS course
  • Implement a passive (or active) income idea, even if it wont generate any income. Just finish it.
  • Find a job in may
  • Rent a place to live for at least few years (Really need a cozy and comfortable place, even if its expensive)
  • Buy a car. (Maybe look at Tesla's, considering EU changes on gas cars. Where I will be charging it then???)
How will I reach them~
Journaling and planning more
Every day, log the day's events, my current mood, what did I do today, or any I find significant event.
For planning. Plan every goal in detail and add any details i find during actually working on the goal or when I do research on it.
Learn to play a piano
First and foremost buy a digital Piano. This will be after finding a job and renting a place and purchasing a car.
The purchase must be made in this year! Cannot delay it anylonger. I really want to learn it.
Learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails
Watch Tutorials and Build a simple web application using Rails.
Start developing and fully finish a game
Small steps, it doesnt have to be big game. Just a simple, fully finished game that I could showcase that I can do it.
Create a simple game engine
It doesnt have to be the next Unity. Just a simple openGL or directX api implementation with audio and physics implementations. It will be scuffed, but it will be mine.
Use C++, it will also serve as mastering the C/C++ .
Create a simple Database
Use C lang. I will really learn the Logic behind databases this way. It will help deepen my knowledge of SQL and databases
Learn web scrapping advanced methods
Reseach more on web scrapping. Really need to get into this.
Also great income ideas from it. Will definetly do something with it.
Finish the CS course
Finish the CS github course. Really need to learn the things I missed out by not going to uni.
Learn the algorithms and other stuff and implement all of them on my own. Only use C lang everywhere.
Implement a passive / active income idea
Maybe something with clothing. Thing and research more.
Find a job in may
Need to finish some projects before may.
Create a REALLY pretty CV, the best one of the other canditates. Wont be able to ignore it!!!
Find a job in may
Need to finish some projects before may.
Create a REALLY pretty CV, the best one of the other canditates. Wont be able to ignore it!!!
Road Map~

* CS Course.

* Finish up the side project.

* Ruby fully learned.

* Start on the game.

* Research web scrapping


* CS Course

* Ruby fully learned

* Start working on database

* Start experimenting on game engine

* Work on the game

* Do some web scrapping on small scale with researched methods.


* CS Course

* Work on the game

* Work on database

* Work on game engine

* Simple Rails Project

* Start researching / implementing income idea


* Work on the game

* Work on the game engine

* Work on the income idea


* Job hunting

* Work on the income idea

* Work on the game. Should finish up

* Work on the game engine. Should finish up


* Should be able to have a job at this point

* Income idea


* Working

* Finding a place to rent


* Buy a piano

* Learning music theory

* Learning to play a piano


* Learning music theory

* Learning to play a piano


* Learning music theory

* Learning to play a piano

* Get a car


* At this point I should be able to play simple pieces on the piano
